Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great Merry Christmas and are heading for a great New Year.
Our Merry Christmas did not turn out the way I thought it would. Last Tuesday was a beautiful day in Gladewater, TX. The temperature was 83 degrees; a nice breeze blowing out of the south to keep you cool; life was great. I thought something was weird when the Happy Couple came driving into the campground with a Chrysler Sebring and started packing things into it. I never said anything. Moe and I just sat and watched. The next morning my friend Dave came into the house and hoisted my rear end off the couch and told me I had work to do. I said "Work? I don't do work. I'm retired." He told me he was retarded too but needed me to navigate a trip the family was taking. So Dave, Shari, Moe, and I got into the car and out the drive we went. Naturally, I started guiding south since that is the only direction civil minded people would ever go in the winter time. Good Old Dave says "Whoa, that's the wrong direction, we need to go north." I turned around and looked at him with my best stupid look and said "What the h--- are you talking about? It's cold up north." He told me it didn't matter. We were going to Iowa for Christmas. That was when I knew he was suffering from to much warm weather and his brain had been fried. Anyway, late Thursday afternoon we arrived at the country estate of Carl and Barb Zahradnik's near Shueyville, IA. Carl and Barb have graciously let us use their basement as base camp while we are visiting here for a few days. And, by the way, I was correct. It IS colder than whatever in Iowa in the winter time.
Thursday, on the way to Shueyville, we went through Washington to see Shari's folks. They were getting along pretty good and were looking forward to Christmas. On Thursday evening, the Happy Couple and the Zs (Carl and Barb) met the Hawkins (Ed and Carol) and the Minors (Les and Sherry) at the Dry Dock in Shueyville for food, adult beverages, and bull crap. Luckily, Moe and I didn't have to go. On Christmas Eve the Family (Dave, Shari, Moe, and I) went back down to Washington to have Christmas Eve dinner with Shari's folks. Shari had made some beef and noodle soup that was just fantastic. Moe and I even got to partake. Christmas morning it was back to Washington for brunch with with the Hamil family. In attendance was Shari's brother John and his wife Pat; the Happy Couple's daughter Laura and family, Wade, Emma, and Luke; nephew Derek and his fiancee Natalie; niece Christina, her husband Jared, and children Bryce, Katelyn, and Jenna; niece Bobbi and children Cole and Cheyenne; and of course John and Betty. Moe and I were not in attendance. We stayed with the Z's. Yesterday, my guiding skills were needed again as the Happy Couple wanted to go to Burlington to the Shipley's and also stop and say Merry Christmas to Mark and Beth Steingreaber and their family. WHAT A CHRISTMAS THEY HAVE!!!! So far, everything has been just great. (Except for the weather of course. Did I mention that it is cold in Iowa in the winter?) Today is a day of rest.
What's on the agenda for the rest of the trip you ask. Who knows. Shari is meeting her golfing friends in Solon this evening -- Becky Quijano, Ann Coady and Marilyn Husak. The Happy Couple are getting haircuts tomorrow AM, are going to Washington tomorrow afternoon, will stop in Iowa City to see friends tomorrow evening, and are going to the Hawkins' to watch the Insight Bowl game tomorrow night. What are Moe and I going to do? Try to stay out of the way. I don't know the remainder of their itinerary but I don't think it involves too much sleep. I think this pace is to continue through the week with us starting our return trip to the warm climates of Texas on Saturday 1/1/11.
As things around here continue to unfold, I will be keeping you updated as best I can. Sometimes things happen faster than I can remember them. In the mean time enjoy your week. I'll be getting back to you soon.
As always,
Your friend Tag
A quaint little drinking couple with a camping problem!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Seasons Greetings!
Seasons greetings from Texas!
I asked Tag if I could use his blog site and he gave me permission.
He is quite a guy!
Dave and I, Moe and Tag hope all of you are enjoying this wonderful
holiday season, just as we are.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hi Folks,
I know I haven't kept you up to date lately but, in these troubling times, I am trying to conserve. Actually, I am so down in the dumps, it is almost unbearable. These last few days I have had to watch the Happy Couple, and their dog Moe, try to cope with this miserably cold weather and try to keep the house going. I watch through frosted windows as Dave attempts to keep the water system from freezing and breaking pipes. He is out day and night, hooking water lines up to get water into the house and then unhooking the water lines to prevent pipes from freezing. Then, it is trying to get the truck started so he can make another trip to get propane tanks refilled so we can keep the furnace running. The propane and electric bills are going to be astronomical. Shari and Moe spend most of their time inside the house trying to keep as warm as possible. The furnace runs constantly and the little electric heater never shuts off. Moe is limited to going out to do her duty on an emergency basis only. Dave, Shari, and Moe go to bed early, and get up late because they have an electric blanket and they can turn it up to about 12 to keep them warm. I have no idea why they have insisted on staying here in Mount Pleasant and freeze like this. This cold and wind is not good for anyone. I don't know why, every year, we have to be the last snow birds to go south. Just to save my sanity, I think I'm going to change families to watch over. I just cannot take this misery any longer.
HA HA!!!! I gotcha. We ain't (SB) in Mount Pleasant. We are in Gladewater, TX and the weather has been just fine since we arrived here 8 days ago. Some days in the upper 60s to low 70s. Other days in the mid to upper 50s. Lows are usually in the mid to upper 30's. One night, so far, in the upper 20s. Today is the first day without sun shine.
We left Mt. P. on Sunday, Nov. 28th. and, after overnights in Ozark, MO and Texarkana, TX, we arrived at Shallow Creek RV Park, south of Gladewater, early afternoon on Monday, Nov. 30th. Gladewater is in NE Texas and is known as the antique capital of east Texas. The town is full of antique shops. The Happy Couple haven't been shopping there yet but I have heard rumors that little trip isn't too far away in the future.
The trip down here wasn't completely uneventful. Dave pulled into a station to fuel the truck in Camdenton, MO. and while doing so, went around the trailer to check the tires and wheel bearings. Upon inspection he noticed a tire that the tread was starting to separate. We spent an hour in a parking lot while a nice young man came and put on the spare. Our wise old leader says it was a good thing he found the problem when he did. If the tread had come off while driving down the road, the damage to the trailer could have been very intensive. After arriving here in Texas, he did some research and found the tires were manufactured in China by a company that, after being ordered to do a massive recall on their tires, suddenly disappeared. Our fearless leader is now in the process of making arrangements to replace all four tires on the trailer even though the tires only have about 11,000 miles on them. Another great cost saving move by Keystone, the manufacturer of the trailer. Did Dave ever tell you he thinks the 5th wheel he bought is a piece of crap? I know, if you ask him, he will do so. I am sure, if you asked him for a reference on purchasing a 5th wheel, the last place he would steer you is towards is any unit manufacured by Keystone. I have heard him tell quite a few people exactly what he thinks of this POS we call home.
Our time here at Shallow Creek RV, so far, has been uneventful, other than finding out real quick you don't go to Walmart on Sunday afternoon right after the church services are over. The place is kind of like a zoo only the people are dressed up better. This afternoon I am going to lead the Happy Couple, and Moe, on a trip to Marshall, TX to do some snooping around and see their Christmas lights this evening. They are supposed to have millions of lights and people come from all over to see them. If Stupid can figure out how to use his camera and takes some pictures, I will post them for you.
How's Moe? you ask. She is just fine. She gets the Village Idiot and his wife out of the house quite often. They go for walks, they washed the trailer, they have fires in Moe's firepit, and Dave gets to pick up her poop. What a life. She won't be a happy camper next Monday. She is going in for a wash job, a haircut, and manicure. She doesn't speak to anyone for about 24 hours after that happens. Poor thing.
Shari's Dad is doing better, which is why we were able to come down here. A few weeks ago Shari was afraid he was going to leave us but, after a few days in the hospital, he has rebounded quite nicely. We will be back up at Christmas to be with her folks. The Happy Couple are renting a car, leaving the truck and trailer at Shallow Creek RV, leaving on Dec. 23rd and staying through New Years. When we return to Texas, I have no idea where we are going. I have asked our "fearless leader" a few times but trying to get information out of him is quite difficult sometimes. I don't think he knows.
Dave's feeling on different topics:
#1 Iowa football season - Disappointing but not overly suprised by the results
#2 Iowa men's basketball - Really liking what's happening. Great defense against UNI last night
#3 Iowa women's basketball - Doing great - wish we could see them on TV more
#4 Iowa State athletics - No public comment
#5 BCS bowl winner - Oregon by 8 points
#6 TCU joining the Big East Conference - HUH????? I thought TCU was in Ft. Worth, TX
Well, I guess I better get off here. Duty is calling. I think the "Family" is getting ready to go on the road trip. I have to get on the dash of the Big Truck and do my duty. It is going to be cold this afternoon. Only getting into the lower 50s. The temperature now at noon is only 45. Dang that is COLD.
Have a good day and stay warm.
I know I haven't kept you up to date lately but, in these troubling times, I am trying to conserve. Actually, I am so down in the dumps, it is almost unbearable. These last few days I have had to watch the Happy Couple, and their dog Moe, try to cope with this miserably cold weather and try to keep the house going. I watch through frosted windows as Dave attempts to keep the water system from freezing and breaking pipes. He is out day and night, hooking water lines up to get water into the house and then unhooking the water lines to prevent pipes from freezing. Then, it is trying to get the truck started so he can make another trip to get propane tanks refilled so we can keep the furnace running. The propane and electric bills are going to be astronomical. Shari and Moe spend most of their time inside the house trying to keep as warm as possible. The furnace runs constantly and the little electric heater never shuts off. Moe is limited to going out to do her duty on an emergency basis only. Dave, Shari, and Moe go to bed early, and get up late because they have an electric blanket and they can turn it up to about 12 to keep them warm. I have no idea why they have insisted on staying here in Mount Pleasant and freeze like this. This cold and wind is not good for anyone. I don't know why, every year, we have to be the last snow birds to go south. Just to save my sanity, I think I'm going to change families to watch over. I just cannot take this misery any longer.
HA HA!!!! I gotcha. We ain't (SB) in Mount Pleasant. We are in Gladewater, TX and the weather has been just fine since we arrived here 8 days ago. Some days in the upper 60s to low 70s. Other days in the mid to upper 50s. Lows are usually in the mid to upper 30's. One night, so far, in the upper 20s. Today is the first day without sun shine.
We left Mt. P. on Sunday, Nov. 28th. and, after overnights in Ozark, MO and Texarkana, TX, we arrived at Shallow Creek RV Park, south of Gladewater, early afternoon on Monday, Nov. 30th. Gladewater is in NE Texas and is known as the antique capital of east Texas. The town is full of antique shops. The Happy Couple haven't been shopping there yet but I have heard rumors that little trip isn't too far away in the future.
The trip down here wasn't completely uneventful. Dave pulled into a station to fuel the truck in Camdenton, MO. and while doing so, went around the trailer to check the tires and wheel bearings. Upon inspection he noticed a tire that the tread was starting to separate. We spent an hour in a parking lot while a nice young man came and put on the spare. Our wise old leader says it was a good thing he found the problem when he did. If the tread had come off while driving down the road, the damage to the trailer could have been very intensive. After arriving here in Texas, he did some research and found the tires were manufactured in China by a company that, after being ordered to do a massive recall on their tires, suddenly disappeared. Our fearless leader is now in the process of making arrangements to replace all four tires on the trailer even though the tires only have about 11,000 miles on them. Another great cost saving move by Keystone, the manufacturer of the trailer. Did Dave ever tell you he thinks the 5th wheel he bought is a piece of crap? I know, if you ask him, he will do so. I am sure, if you asked him for a reference on purchasing a 5th wheel, the last place he would steer you is towards is any unit manufacured by Keystone. I have heard him tell quite a few people exactly what he thinks of this POS we call home.
Our time here at Shallow Creek RV, so far, has been uneventful, other than finding out real quick you don't go to Walmart on Sunday afternoon right after the church services are over. The place is kind of like a zoo only the people are dressed up better. This afternoon I am going to lead the Happy Couple, and Moe, on a trip to Marshall, TX to do some snooping around and see their Christmas lights this evening. They are supposed to have millions of lights and people come from all over to see them. If Stupid can figure out how to use his camera and takes some pictures, I will post them for you.
How's Moe? you ask. She is just fine. She gets the Village Idiot and his wife out of the house quite often. They go for walks, they washed the trailer, they have fires in Moe's firepit, and Dave gets to pick up her poop. What a life. She won't be a happy camper next Monday. She is going in for a wash job, a haircut, and manicure. She doesn't speak to anyone for about 24 hours after that happens. Poor thing.
Shari's Dad is doing better, which is why we were able to come down here. A few weeks ago Shari was afraid he was going to leave us but, after a few days in the hospital, he has rebounded quite nicely. We will be back up at Christmas to be with her folks. The Happy Couple are renting a car, leaving the truck and trailer at Shallow Creek RV, leaving on Dec. 23rd and staying through New Years. When we return to Texas, I have no idea where we are going. I have asked our "fearless leader" a few times but trying to get information out of him is quite difficult sometimes. I don't think he knows.
Dave's feeling on different topics:
#1 Iowa football season - Disappointing but not overly suprised by the results
#2 Iowa men's basketball - Really liking what's happening. Great defense against UNI last night
#3 Iowa women's basketball - Doing great - wish we could see them on TV more
#4 Iowa State athletics - No public comment
#5 BCS bowl winner - Oregon by 8 points
#6 TCU joining the Big East Conference - HUH????? I thought TCU was in Ft. Worth, TX
Well, I guess I better get off here. Duty is calling. I think the "Family" is getting ready to go on the road trip. I have to get on the dash of the Big Truck and do my duty. It is going to be cold this afternoon. Only getting into the lower 50s. The temperature now at noon is only 45. Dang that is COLD.
Have a good day and stay warm.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The latest from the greatest!
And how is everyone doing?
We are still going great down here in Good Old Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Yup. That is correct. We AIN'T left yet. (Sorry Bertha) Grandpa John (Shari's dad) is still doing fine considering. Shari, along with Dave and Moe, go to see her folks occasionally which means we are still in Iowa. The Happy Couple haven't been doing a whole lot lately. Last week they took a trip to Cedar Rapids for a insurance meeting (good old government health care) and then trips to doctors. Everything was A-OKAY. Other than that, it has been trips to Washington and Dave working in the office.
The pickin up truck went to the doctor last week to get an oil change and then it had to go to the truck hospital. The transmission had a leak so it had to have surgery. Actually, at this writing, it is still in the hospital but is do to be released on Wednesday. Had to wait for new parts. No get well cards, please.
My thoughts on a few things:
#1. The weather getting colder - YUK
#2 Switching the clocks back to standard time - YUK
#3 The results of the election - GREAT but I'm glad they are finely over
#4 The Iowa - Indiana football game - WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT (That is not the way Dave said it)
#5 The Iowa State - Nebraska football game - Take a close look at my photo attached to this blog
The funny of the week:
Dave received an e-mail from Shari's dear sweet cousin Nancy a couple of days ago. It seems they (Mack and Nancy) were having trouble with a water heater in their 5th wheel and asked Dave for some advise. (I have no idea why they would do that either.) Dave made a suggestion they check for propane pressure as it sounded like that might be the problem. Well, Dave gets this e-mail that the problem has been solved. Nancy wrote, and I quote, "Mack replaced part of the ignition system-burner thingies. Anyway, not enough gas had been getting through...from somewhere to somewhere else...". Don't you just love technical terms??? Anyway we are all happy that everything is back in good working order.
What is in our future, you ask.
Tomorrow the family, (Dave, Shari, Moe, and I) are taking a trip to Iowa City, Shari dental appointment, Cedar Rapids to an insurance agent, then to the Bata's for dinner. I don't know how many of you have eaten Tony Bata's cooking but Dave and Shari love it. He is an excellent chef. Shirley makes some darn good chocolate chip cookies too. Moe and I aren't suppose to have any because they are bad for our hearts. Therefore Dave wolfs them all down. He will do anything for the team.
On Wednesday, it's to Burlington to get the truck out of the truck hospital.
Friday afternoon, the Weinreichs', Steingreabers', and Romeos' are coming to Mount Pleasant for one last toddy time before winter sits in.
Saturday is another Hawkeye football game on the tube. I hope the Hawks play a little better so the air isn't quite as blue in the house. Things can get quite nasty when the game isn't going well.
Sunday is the Hawkeye1st basketball under Coach Fran. We watched the exhibition game yesterday on the tube and they scored 111 points. I don't think they scored that many all season last year.
After Sunday, who knows.
Well, that is about all I have for now. As things change, I will keep you updated. In the mean time don't forget the cheer: LET'S GO HAWKS - LET'S GO HAWKS - LET'S GO HAWKS!!!!!!
As always,
We are still going great down here in Good Old Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Yup. That is correct. We AIN'T left yet. (Sorry Bertha) Grandpa John (Shari's dad) is still doing fine considering. Shari, along with Dave and Moe, go to see her folks occasionally which means we are still in Iowa. The Happy Couple haven't been doing a whole lot lately. Last week they took a trip to Cedar Rapids for a insurance meeting (good old government health care) and then trips to doctors. Everything was A-OKAY. Other than that, it has been trips to Washington and Dave working in the office.
The pickin up truck went to the doctor last week to get an oil change and then it had to go to the truck hospital. The transmission had a leak so it had to have surgery. Actually, at this writing, it is still in the hospital but is do to be released on Wednesday. Had to wait for new parts. No get well cards, please.
My thoughts on a few things:
#1. The weather getting colder - YUK
#2 Switching the clocks back to standard time - YUK
#3 The results of the election - GREAT but I'm glad they are finely over
#4 The Iowa - Indiana football game - WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT (That is not the way Dave said it)
#5 The Iowa State - Nebraska football game - Take a close look at my photo attached to this blog
The funny of the week:
Dave received an e-mail from Shari's dear sweet cousin Nancy a couple of days ago. It seems they (Mack and Nancy) were having trouble with a water heater in their 5th wheel and asked Dave for some advise. (I have no idea why they would do that either.) Dave made a suggestion they check for propane pressure as it sounded like that might be the problem. Well, Dave gets this e-mail that the problem has been solved. Nancy wrote, and I quote, "Mack replaced part of the ignition system-burner thingies. Anyway, not enough gas had been getting through...from somewhere to somewhere else...". Don't you just love technical terms??? Anyway we are all happy that everything is back in good working order.
What is in our future, you ask.
Tomorrow the family, (Dave, Shari, Moe, and I) are taking a trip to Iowa City, Shari dental appointment, Cedar Rapids to an insurance agent, then to the Bata's for dinner. I don't know how many of you have eaten Tony Bata's cooking but Dave and Shari love it. He is an excellent chef. Shirley makes some darn good chocolate chip cookies too. Moe and I aren't suppose to have any because they are bad for our hearts. Therefore Dave wolfs them all down. He will do anything for the team.
On Wednesday, it's to Burlington to get the truck out of the truck hospital.
Friday afternoon, the Weinreichs', Steingreabers', and Romeos' are coming to Mount Pleasant for one last toddy time before winter sits in.
Saturday is another Hawkeye football game on the tube. I hope the Hawks play a little better so the air isn't quite as blue in the house. Things can get quite nasty when the game isn't going well.
Sunday is the Hawkeye1st basketball under Coach Fran. We watched the exhibition game yesterday on the tube and they scored 111 points. I don't think they scored that many all season last year.
After Sunday, who knows.
Well, that is about all I have for now. As things change, I will keep you updated. In the mean time don't forget the cheer: LET'S GO HAWKS - LET'S GO HAWKS - LET'S GO HAWKS!!!!!!
As always,
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Vacation Is Over!
Howdy everyone.
Yes, the vacation is over and it is back to normal life for the Frantz clan. That is if you can call anything they do as normal. Almost everything that has happen to the Happy Couple the past 3 weeks has been great. There was one bump in the road that kind of messed things up, but by their standards everything was good.
To get the hiccup out of the way first, on the 21st of last month Shari took her normal trip to Washington to see her folks. On the return trip it was raining rather hard but, since she was anxious to get back to Mount Pleasant to be with her husband, (If you believe that statement, I have some ocean front property in Arkansas for sale) she continued on her way. Just west of Ainsworth, with a truck following her and raining hard, she was suddenly spinning around and around in the road, coming to a stop on the westbound shoulder. She first thought she had hydroplaned until a young man came running to the car apologizing for hitting her and wanted to know if she was hurt. She had a bump on her head, was checked out by EMT's and was declared okay, except for the black eye she had for a few days. The kid said he passed the truck behind Shari and, due to water spray from the truck and Shari's car, did not see her when he pulled back in and clipped the rear of her car, putting her into a spin. Fortunately, she did not go in the ditch and there was no oncoming traffic. The condition of the car - TOTALED. As was an antique lamp and a couple of antique vases that were in the trunk. Thank goodness her golf clubs survived. Now my buddy Dave gets to go car shopping. That should be interesting to see what he comes up with. A couple friends committed that, since she did such a great job of keeping the car on the road, she should drive on the NASCAR circuit. I don't think that will happen. If she did she would have to hire someone to keep an eye on my buddy Dave.
The trip to Wisconsin and northeast Iowa was great. Great friends, great weather, great campgrounds, and way too much toddy time and food. There were a few times during toddy time that Moe and I just went back inside the house. We just couldn't take it any more. Ken and Judy's dog, Fletcher, wouldn't even come out. He's smarter than I thought. And they call these people adults. I'm sure Moe gained a couple of pounds and the Village Idiot, about a ton. He eat all the time we were gone. He must have thought he was a big old bear and needed to store up for winter. I'm not going to commit on how much weight anyone else gained. I want them to remain friends.
Now it's back to the daily grind at Crossroads RV Park for another 3 weeks. Shari and Dave have doctors appointments on Nov. 1 and after that, who knows. I keep asking Stupid where we are going this winter and his response - "I don't have a clue". It should be a fun winter. Shari's dad is starting to slip a little so I imagine that will have a lot to do with where and when.
We did make a family trip to Cedar Rapids one afternoon last week. Moe, Shari, and Dave all needed haircuts so I had to go along to navigate and coordinate everything. I was afraid Stupid would forget to pick Moe back up after her appointment. Moe got a little grumpy about getting trimmed but she looked just ravishing when it was all over. At the minimum, I can see her eyes now. I think that yappy thing is starting to grow on me.
The Happy Couple made a couple trips to West Burlington over the past weekend. Luke had a football game Saturday afternoon but results weren't as good as the should have been. He is going to give it another try tomorrow afternoon. It was back to West Burlington yesterday afternoon. Emma had a couple of softball games. The record was one and one when that was over. Good job Luke and Emma.
I suppose I better get off of here. Stupid will be home soon for lunch. I don't know which of you is charge of weather, but, who ever it is, you are doing a great job. It even makes Dave in a better mood. The down side is, I think he snores louder on these cool nights.
Have a good one. I'll get back to you when I can.
GO HAWKS!!!!!!!
Yes, the vacation is over and it is back to normal life for the Frantz clan. That is if you can call anything they do as normal. Almost everything that has happen to the Happy Couple the past 3 weeks has been great. There was one bump in the road that kind of messed things up, but by their standards everything was good.
To get the hiccup out of the way first, on the 21st of last month Shari took her normal trip to Washington to see her folks. On the return trip it was raining rather hard but, since she was anxious to get back to Mount Pleasant to be with her husband, (If you believe that statement, I have some ocean front property in Arkansas for sale) she continued on her way. Just west of Ainsworth, with a truck following her and raining hard, she was suddenly spinning around and around in the road, coming to a stop on the westbound shoulder. She first thought she had hydroplaned until a young man came running to the car apologizing for hitting her and wanted to know if she was hurt. She had a bump on her head, was checked out by EMT's and was declared okay, except for the black eye she had for a few days. The kid said he passed the truck behind Shari and, due to water spray from the truck and Shari's car, did not see her when he pulled back in and clipped the rear of her car, putting her into a spin. Fortunately, she did not go in the ditch and there was no oncoming traffic. The condition of the car - TOTALED. As was an antique lamp and a couple of antique vases that were in the trunk. Thank goodness her golf clubs survived. Now my buddy Dave gets to go car shopping. That should be interesting to see what he comes up with. A couple friends committed that, since she did such a great job of keeping the car on the road, she should drive on the NASCAR circuit. I don't think that will happen. If she did she would have to hire someone to keep an eye on my buddy Dave.
The trip to Wisconsin and northeast Iowa was great. Great friends, great weather, great campgrounds, and way too much toddy time and food. There were a few times during toddy time that Moe and I just went back inside the house. We just couldn't take it any more. Ken and Judy's dog, Fletcher, wouldn't even come out. He's smarter than I thought. And they call these people adults. I'm sure Moe gained a couple of pounds and the Village Idiot, about a ton. He eat all the time we were gone. He must have thought he was a big old bear and needed to store up for winter. I'm not going to commit on how much weight anyone else gained. I want them to remain friends.
Now it's back to the daily grind at Crossroads RV Park for another 3 weeks. Shari and Dave have doctors appointments on Nov. 1 and after that, who knows. I keep asking Stupid where we are going this winter and his response - "I don't have a clue". It should be a fun winter. Shari's dad is starting to slip a little so I imagine that will have a lot to do with where and when.
We did make a family trip to Cedar Rapids one afternoon last week. Moe, Shari, and Dave all needed haircuts so I had to go along to navigate and coordinate everything. I was afraid Stupid would forget to pick Moe back up after her appointment. Moe got a little grumpy about getting trimmed but she looked just ravishing when it was all over. At the minimum, I can see her eyes now. I think that yappy thing is starting to grow on me.
The Happy Couple made a couple trips to West Burlington over the past weekend. Luke had a football game Saturday afternoon but results weren't as good as the should have been. He is going to give it another try tomorrow afternoon. It was back to West Burlington yesterday afternoon. Emma had a couple of softball games. The record was one and one when that was over. Good job Luke and Emma.
I suppose I better get off of here. Stupid will be home soon for lunch. I don't know which of you is charge of weather, but, who ever it is, you are doing a great job. It even makes Dave in a better mood. The down side is, I think he snores louder on these cool nights.
Have a good one. I'll get back to you when I can.
GO HAWKS!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The where abouts and other meaningless things!
Howdy everyone. It has been a couple of weeks and I thought it was about time for an update.
The happy couple are still residents of Crossroads RV Park and my hero, Dave, is still doing his thing being the "host with the most". Shari is still doing her thing, keeping "the host with the most" in line. Work at the park has been kind of busy here lately. Labor Day weekend was Old Threshers Reunion in Mount Pleasant and the RV park was full for a week. Then last week there was a 17 unit Winnebago club in town so they pretty well filled up the park again. Everyone was happy. Dave was happy because he had something to keep him occupied. Shari was happy because Dave had something to keep him occupied. Moe was happy because she had lots of people and dogs to bark at. And I was happy because they were all out of the house.
We have had some friends stop by occasionally. Ken and Judy Weinreich were over from Burlington one evening during Old Threshers and the four of them went downtown to do some shopping (the women shopped, the men complained). Then after toddy time here at home they took a road trip to Mt. Hamil for chicken. Anything to get them out of the house. Then the next Wednesday Jeff and Cathy Rucker came over and Dave did some cooking to the grill. Bloody Mary burgers and baked beans. From the smell of things in the house the next morning, the beans must have been delicious. On Saturday, 9/11, Tony and Shirley Bata and Shirley's dad Bob came down from CR to watch the Iowa/Iowa State football game and The Head Chef (The Village Idiot) made chili and cornbread in the dutch oven. Nobody got sick so it must have turned out okay.
The Happy Couple have been celebrating and crying over their beloved Hawkeyes. Celebrated big victories over Eastern Illinois and the dreaded Iowa State Cy-clowns and then a devastating loss to Arizona. Oh well, wait till next year. (Now I'm starting to sound like a Cub fan.) Next up is Ball State. We are all hoping for a victory or the HAPPY COUPLE may not be so happy.
We did go on a short road trip last week. The Old House is still doing its thing. Earlier this summer the thermostat in the oven quit working (Shari didn't like baking cakes at 600 degrees.) so that got to be replaced. Then the refrigerator quit working so, after a couple of trips to Bowling RV in Ottumwa, Dave and Shari are the proud owners of a brand new refrigerator cooling unit. Dave is changing the name of the trailer from Montana Big Sky to Montana F.R.O.M. (Fix Or Repair Monthly). Sometimes he doesn't say very nice things about our home.
We are going on a longer road trip this Friday. Mark and Beth Steingreaber, Ken and Judy Weinreich, Ed and Deb Romeo, Al and Pam Hirschman, and our happy little family are taking a road trip for 9 nights into southwestern Wisconsin and northeast Iowa. Moe can hardly wait for toddy time. I can hardly wait. Campfires and story telling every evening. My favorite time of the year. Sometimes you don't want to believe everything you hear at toddy time. The Happy Couple are looking forward to a little time away before they dive into their last month of work at Crossroads. Where has the summer gone?
I suppose I better get off the computer. Stupid is about to get off work and will be coming home. I'll give you an update later as to how the "VACATION" went. Until then just keep cheering everyones favorite cheer. "LET'S GO HAWKS" "LET'S GO HAWKS" "LET'S GO HAWKS"
As always,
The happy couple are still residents of Crossroads RV Park and my hero, Dave, is still doing his thing being the "host with the most". Shari is still doing her thing, keeping "the host with the most" in line. Work at the park has been kind of busy here lately. Labor Day weekend was Old Threshers Reunion in Mount Pleasant and the RV park was full for a week. Then last week there was a 17 unit Winnebago club in town so they pretty well filled up the park again. Everyone was happy. Dave was happy because he had something to keep him occupied. Shari was happy because Dave had something to keep him occupied. Moe was happy because she had lots of people and dogs to bark at. And I was happy because they were all out of the house.
We have had some friends stop by occasionally. Ken and Judy Weinreich were over from Burlington one evening during Old Threshers and the four of them went downtown to do some shopping (the women shopped, the men complained). Then after toddy time here at home they took a road trip to Mt. Hamil for chicken. Anything to get them out of the house. Then the next Wednesday Jeff and Cathy Rucker came over and Dave did some cooking to the grill. Bloody Mary burgers and baked beans. From the smell of things in the house the next morning, the beans must have been delicious. On Saturday, 9/11, Tony and Shirley Bata and Shirley's dad Bob came down from CR to watch the Iowa/Iowa State football game and The Head Chef (The Village Idiot) made chili and cornbread in the dutch oven. Nobody got sick so it must have turned out okay.
The Happy Couple have been celebrating and crying over their beloved Hawkeyes. Celebrated big victories over Eastern Illinois and the dreaded Iowa State Cy-clowns and then a devastating loss to Arizona. Oh well, wait till next year. (Now I'm starting to sound like a Cub fan.) Next up is Ball State. We are all hoping for a victory or the HAPPY COUPLE may not be so happy.
We did go on a short road trip last week. The Old House is still doing its thing. Earlier this summer the thermostat in the oven quit working (Shari didn't like baking cakes at 600 degrees.) so that got to be replaced. Then the refrigerator quit working so, after a couple of trips to Bowling RV in Ottumwa, Dave and Shari are the proud owners of a brand new refrigerator cooling unit. Dave is changing the name of the trailer from Montana Big Sky to Montana F.R.O.M. (Fix Or Repair Monthly). Sometimes he doesn't say very nice things about our home.
We are going on a longer road trip this Friday. Mark and Beth Steingreaber, Ken and Judy Weinreich, Ed and Deb Romeo, Al and Pam Hirschman, and our happy little family are taking a road trip for 9 nights into southwestern Wisconsin and northeast Iowa. Moe can hardly wait for toddy time. I can hardly wait. Campfires and story telling every evening. My favorite time of the year. Sometimes you don't want to believe everything you hear at toddy time. The Happy Couple are looking forward to a little time away before they dive into their last month of work at Crossroads. Where has the summer gone?
I suppose I better get off the computer. Stupid is about to get off work and will be coming home. I'll give you an update later as to how the "VACATION" went. Until then just keep cheering everyones favorite cheer. "LET'S GO HAWKS" "LET'S GO HAWKS" "LET'S GO HAWKS"
As always,
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Tailgate Practice!
Hello and how is everyone doing today. Miss Moe and I just love this cooler, and much less humid, weather. Moe likes it because she can be outside and see what is going on in the campground. I like is because the big guy is outside which leaves me in charge of the house. Life just doesn't get any better than this.
I would imagine you are anxiously awaiting the results of the TAILGATE PRACTICE. It is a good thing it was scheduled because it sure was needed. I didn't know adults (?) could get so out of shape. The practice was held near a small pond off Trail Bend Dr. in the rural Swisher, IA neighborhood where Ed and Carol Hawkins live. Normally a practice would be held on the same playing field as the actual game but nobody thought the good people of the First Mennonite Church in Iowa City (or the local police officers) would appreciate this informal workout. The workout was attended by Ed and Carol, Les and Sherry Minor, Mike and Kathi Benner, Brian and Sue Aubrecht, Ken and Jean Frauenholz, Lavon and Nancy Rutt, and, of course, the Happy Couple, along with Moe and me. The idea behind the Tailgate Practice was to make sure the right amount of snacks were available and prepared correctly, the fire pit was lit properly and the wood was burning brightly, the charcoal was brought to the proper temperature before cooking, the brats and burgers were prepared and cooked correctly, the football was tossed at the correct distance with the right amount of spin, the bloody marys were made correctly, and the proper amount of beer was available and served at the proper temperature. All of this plus to assure no tall tails were told, no dirt storys came from the lips of the first team, and no one got out of line. The results you ask. The practice was a success because if this group had gone into the first game in the shape they were in, the season may have been a complete failure.
The Happy Couple's day started when Dave went to work and Shari left Mount Pleasant at 8:30 AM to drive to Saddleback Golf Course near Solon to play golf in the annual classic, locally known as the Lady Jane Invitational. Upon arriving at the course at 10:00 AM Shari promptly joined the other contestants in a fast round of Bloody Marys. Then it was off to the golf course. In the mean time, Dave is still working. Shari had a successful day on the course as her team (Ex-neighbor Jan, sister-in-law Peg, and friend Becky) tied for first place and Shari won a new car. While Shari was playing golf, Dave was back in Mount Pleasant finishing work, preparing food for the evening, packing coolers, loading the pickup, putting Moe and me into said pickup, and driving to Swisher. After golf the participants of the Lady Jane Invitational sat in the clubhouse and had a round or two of adult beverages. Meanwhile Dave was still preparing for Tailgate Practice.
Tailgate Practice started promptly at 6:00 PM with all participates arriving on time. But things went downhill in a hurry. Oh, the fire pit was burning brightly, the beer was the correct temperature, and Dave had the baked beans cooked on time. (Have you ever tried to cook beans on a grill? Stupid cooks them on the grate where normal people would put them in a pan and then put the pan on the grate. Oh well.) Anyway, as I was saying, things did not go as planned. Shortly after everyone arrived it started flowing. The adult beverages and the bull s---. And as the amount of beverages increased, the stories got to be taller. Finally Moe and I had to put on our boots. It was just getting too deep. The pond even started to flow over the dam. The group had way too many, but delicious, snack, The beer was served at proper temperature but, again, way too much. The charcoal was lit but the person in charge forgot about the coals and let them get burn down quite low before starting to cook the brats and burgers. Bloody Marys were not served, and the football never made it out of the car. About 9:30 everyone wisely decided enough was enough and went their merry ways. Fortunately for Moe, Shari, and I, we stayed at Ed and Carol's as did Mike and Kathi. Upon arriving at the Hawkins mansion, Ed, Mike, and Stupid decided one last thing was missing. That is when the schnapps bottle came out. Folks, it wasn't pretty. The next morning it was unanimous that some amongst the group may have been over served. Therefore, I consider the Tailgate Practice a huge success. All concerned now know moderation is best. That is why you have things like Tailgate Practice. To learn your limits and stick to them. The Tailgaters won't remember it next time, but at least they knew it on Saturday morning.
While I was sitting here writing this, I just saw where Zach Johnson is tied for first in a golf tournament. That a way Zach. Beat poor old Tiger.
Things are really happening in Mount Pleasant this week. Old Threshers Reunion is going on and the town is full. So is the campground. The brain surgeon has been putting in a lot of hours which means more money for dog food for Moe and more peace and quite for Shari and I as he is out of the house. You got to love it. Unfortunately, things will be back to normal next Tuesday. Speaking of back to normal, I see where the Cubs and Dodgers are doing their normal end of the year charge. Charge towards last place that is. The Happy Couple aren't to happy about that situation. Oh well, wait till next year.
Dave and Shari are all ready for Hawkeye football. They got their flag out on the side of the house and have their best Hawkeye apparel ready. They don't go to games anymore. They have decided it is just to expensive and too much of a hassle. They just stay home and watch the games on the big screen. I think they are just getting old but don't tell them I said that.
I guess this will do for the Tailgate Practice update. I know you thought it was strange when I mentioned it last time but now you see why it was dearly needed. This may get to be an annual thing. Who knows.
As the Happy Couple always say "Wine a bit. You'll feel better."
As always,
I would imagine you are anxiously awaiting the results of the TAILGATE PRACTICE. It is a good thing it was scheduled because it sure was needed. I didn't know adults (?) could get so out of shape. The practice was held near a small pond off Trail Bend Dr. in the rural Swisher, IA neighborhood where Ed and Carol Hawkins live. Normally a practice would be held on the same playing field as the actual game but nobody thought the good people of the First Mennonite Church in Iowa City (or the local police officers) would appreciate this informal workout. The workout was attended by Ed and Carol, Les and Sherry Minor, Mike and Kathi Benner, Brian and Sue Aubrecht, Ken and Jean Frauenholz, Lavon and Nancy Rutt, and, of course, the Happy Couple, along with Moe and me. The idea behind the Tailgate Practice was to make sure the right amount of snacks were available and prepared correctly, the fire pit was lit properly and the wood was burning brightly, the charcoal was brought to the proper temperature before cooking, the brats and burgers were prepared and cooked correctly, the football was tossed at the correct distance with the right amount of spin, the bloody marys were made correctly, and the proper amount of beer was available and served at the proper temperature. All of this plus to assure no tall tails were told, no dirt storys came from the lips of the first team, and no one got out of line. The results you ask. The practice was a success because if this group had gone into the first game in the shape they were in, the season may have been a complete failure.
The Happy Couple's day started when Dave went to work and Shari left Mount Pleasant at 8:30 AM to drive to Saddleback Golf Course near Solon to play golf in the annual classic, locally known as the Lady Jane Invitational. Upon arriving at the course at 10:00 AM Shari promptly joined the other contestants in a fast round of Bloody Marys. Then it was off to the golf course. In the mean time, Dave is still working. Shari had a successful day on the course as her team (Ex-neighbor Jan, sister-in-law Peg, and friend Becky) tied for first place and Shari won a new car. While Shari was playing golf, Dave was back in Mount Pleasant finishing work, preparing food for the evening, packing coolers, loading the pickup, putting Moe and me into said pickup, and driving to Swisher. After golf the participants of the Lady Jane Invitational sat in the clubhouse and had a round or two of adult beverages. Meanwhile Dave was still preparing for Tailgate Practice.
Tailgate Practice started promptly at 6:00 PM with all participates arriving on time. But things went downhill in a hurry. Oh, the fire pit was burning brightly, the beer was the correct temperature, and Dave had the baked beans cooked on time. (Have you ever tried to cook beans on a grill? Stupid cooks them on the grate where normal people would put them in a pan and then put the pan on the grate. Oh well.) Anyway, as I was saying, things did not go as planned. Shortly after everyone arrived it started flowing. The adult beverages and the bull s---. And as the amount of beverages increased, the stories got to be taller. Finally Moe and I had to put on our boots. It was just getting too deep. The pond even started to flow over the dam. The group had way too many, but delicious, snack, The beer was served at proper temperature but, again, way too much. The charcoal was lit but the person in charge forgot about the coals and let them get burn down quite low before starting to cook the brats and burgers. Bloody Marys were not served, and the football never made it out of the car. About 9:30 everyone wisely decided enough was enough and went their merry ways. Fortunately for Moe, Shari, and I, we stayed at Ed and Carol's as did Mike and Kathi. Upon arriving at the Hawkins mansion, Ed, Mike, and Stupid decided one last thing was missing. That is when the schnapps bottle came out. Folks, it wasn't pretty. The next morning it was unanimous that some amongst the group may have been over served. Therefore, I consider the Tailgate Practice a huge success. All concerned now know moderation is best. That is why you have things like Tailgate Practice. To learn your limits and stick to them. The Tailgaters won't remember it next time, but at least they knew it on Saturday morning.
While I was sitting here writing this, I just saw where Zach Johnson is tied for first in a golf tournament. That a way Zach. Beat poor old Tiger.
Things are really happening in Mount Pleasant this week. Old Threshers Reunion is going on and the town is full. So is the campground. The brain surgeon has been putting in a lot of hours which means more money for dog food for Moe and more peace and quite for Shari and I as he is out of the house. You got to love it. Unfortunately, things will be back to normal next Tuesday. Speaking of back to normal, I see where the Cubs and Dodgers are doing their normal end of the year charge. Charge towards last place that is. The Happy Couple aren't to happy about that situation. Oh well, wait till next year.
Dave and Shari are all ready for Hawkeye football. They got their flag out on the side of the house and have their best Hawkeye apparel ready. They don't go to games anymore. They have decided it is just to expensive and too much of a hassle. They just stay home and watch the games on the big screen. I think they are just getting old but don't tell them I said that.
I guess this will do for the Tailgate Practice update. I know you thought it was strange when I mentioned it last time but now you see why it was dearly needed. This may get to be an annual thing. Who knows.
As the Happy Couple always say "Wine a bit. You'll feel better."
As always,
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The second beginning.
Hello friends, it is me again. I know this is not where you usually see me but I had to make a change in how I updated you on the goings and comings of the Frantz clan. You see, my best buddy, STUPID, started tweaking the Trip Journal and messed it up. I sent an update in June and I don't think anyone received it. Anyway, I have started a blog using Google and am now broadcasting world wide. As time goes on, I will be adding things to the blog such as a map of our location, pictures, and other exciting things.
We are still located in Mount Pleasant, IA at Crossroads RV Park. Jeff and Linda (the park owners) haven't kicked Dave out yet so it looks like we are going to make it through the summer. Dave and Shari have a contract to work as camp host until October 31. We will see if they can make it that long.
Shari gets up to Washington a couple times a week and both John and Betty (her folks) seem to be doing pretty well. Shari and her brother John worked and got the house sold in Crawfordsville. That has taken a lot of pressure off the two of them. "Did Dave help?" you ask. No, not much. He thought he had a supervisory role. I think Moe was more help.
Speaking of Moe, she is doing just fine. She is starting to really get into this "camp host" gig. She thinks she is the official "meet and greet" dog. She just loves to get into the office and, when someone comes into register, she loves to jump on them and give them kisses. Not everyone appreciates it like Moe does. When the Village Idiot takes her for a walk she greets anyone that is sitting outside. She is even starting to tolerate other dogs. Maybe next year, she can have the Camp Host job and we will put a collar and leash on Dave. How does that sound?
Tomorrow, the family is going to Swisher for a Iowa Tailgate practice. The Hawkins clan is hosting it at the pond where they live. I have never actually heard of a Iowa Tailgate practice before, but it should be interesting to hear the tales. I'll keep you posted on that one.
I guess that will be enough for this evening. Have a great weekend and I will return in the near future.
As the Happy Couple's motto goes "Wine A Bit. You'll Feel Better."
As always,
We are still located in Mount Pleasant, IA at Crossroads RV Park. Jeff and Linda (the park owners) haven't kicked Dave out yet so it looks like we are going to make it through the summer. Dave and Shari have a contract to work as camp host until October 31. We will see if they can make it that long.
Shari gets up to Washington a couple times a week and both John and Betty (her folks) seem to be doing pretty well. Shari and her brother John worked and got the house sold in Crawfordsville. That has taken a lot of pressure off the two of them. "Did Dave help?" you ask. No, not much. He thought he had a supervisory role. I think Moe was more help.
Speaking of Moe, she is doing just fine. She is starting to really get into this "camp host" gig. She thinks she is the official "meet and greet" dog. She just loves to get into the office and, when someone comes into register, she loves to jump on them and give them kisses. Not everyone appreciates it like Moe does. When the Village Idiot takes her for a walk she greets anyone that is sitting outside. She is even starting to tolerate other dogs. Maybe next year, she can have the Camp Host job and we will put a collar and leash on Dave. How does that sound?
Tomorrow, the family is going to Swisher for a Iowa Tailgate practice. The Hawkins clan is hosting it at the pond where they live. I have never actually heard of a Iowa Tailgate practice before, but it should be interesting to hear the tales. I'll keep you posted on that one.
I guess that will be enough for this evening. Have a great weekend and I will return in the near future.
As the Happy Couple's motto goes "Wine A Bit. You'll Feel Better."
As always,
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