We are in the sometimes warm and, like today, sometimes cold L.A.. That is Lower Alabama to all you Yankees. How cold is it you ask. Last night it got down to 34* and tonight it is supposed to be all the way down to 28*. YIKES!!! The Brain may have to turn on the old heating pad to stay warm.
The Happy Couple have been just fine. We arrived here in Foley on December 2nd and have just been relaxing. The Brain has even done a little work on the house that needed to be done. As my favorite girl would say "It's about time!". It wasn't anything major but some things he has been putting off for about a Carnie Burke were here this morning for brunch and all four of them could sit at the table and had room to spare. The Burkes got sick of the cold weather in Iowa and stopped here overnight on their way to Destin, FL. It was great that they came to the campground so Moe and I could see them too.
year now. With the holidays here, Shari has slowed down on the craft making and we can actually see the table again. In fact Jack and
I guess we leave here on January 2nd and start moseying our way to Texas. The first question that comes to mind is, "Where in Texas?" Well that is one heck of a good question! Other than a few days in the Houston area, no one knows. We have to be in Austin on February 27th and in Kerrville on March 1st. It looks like I'm going to get to take the clan on a road trip. If I'm guiding, they will just have to go where I lead them. This should be fun on my part. I might take them on one of those covert missions like I went on last year. That would be fun!
This is going to be short this time. My best friend Shari wants to do a little writing to you so I conceded to her. One stipulation was that the Village Idiot was not to come close to the computer. I don't trust him! From me, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Don't forget to cheer on the Hawks at the Outback Bowl.
As always,

So for now, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!! AND, from our home to yours, best wishes for a wonderful 2014!!!
Love to all,
Shari and Dave