A quaint little drinking couple with a camping problem!
Friday, December 18, 2015
And a very Merry Christmas to you too!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all my friends,
I hope this holiday season is finding y'all healthy, wealthy, and wise. As most of you probably know, the Happy Couple have migrated to Texas for the winter. After Dufus finally got the blessing from the doctor to travel after his brain surgery, and after many hours, or was it days, of discussion and research the Happy Couple finally threw a dart at a map and it landed on San Antonio, Texas. That was the destination but, believe me, it was not a direct flight. The trip had to be planned around Iowa Hawkeye football games. On November 11th the trailer was hooked up to the truck and we made a beeline for the south. Now, if you have ever ridden with the Village Idiot when he's pulling the trailer, making a beeline for anywhere is at the breakneck speed of 55 MPH on a good day. Usually he is driving out on little two lane highways and driving even slower. I asked him once why he likes taking two lane highways and his answer was he drove over the road for 26 plus years and has seen the rear end of all the trucks he cares to see. That, and the fact that the food is a lot better is small Mom and Pop cafes than it is on interstates and big cities. He also said he wasn't in a big hurry as he doesn't have anywhere important to go anyway. Back to the travels, on November 12th we made it to West Memphis, AR where we stayed for three nights. Remember, there was a Hawkeye football game on the 14th that needed to be watched. On the 15th we traveled to Savannah, TN to stay with Larry and Diane Frisbie at Green Acres RV Resort. Diane had called earlier and asked Dufus if he could come down and help them at the park for a couple weeks which he gladly accepted. While we were there, Norris and Mary Schuman showed up so there was lots of good food to eat. Of course, there were two more Hawkeye games to watch. When we arrived at Green Acres the Hawks were 10 and 0. When we left they were 12 and 0!!!!! On November 29th it was a flying three day trip (825 miles) from Savannah to San Antonio. We arrived at GreenLake RV Resort for a month long stay on December 1st. At first the intent was to stay for, at least a couple of months at GreenLake, but after a week of driving and shopping in the San Antonio area the Happy Couple made a decision the big city life was not for them. Moe and I liked that decision because that meant rode trips to the Hill Country to find a place to move to. On December 31st we are moving to Riverway RV Park in Llano, Texas. The rv park is a rather small rv park with about 40 sites but is very well maintained and nice people that operate it. Llano has a population of about 3,300 people, no interstates, and a lot of wide open spaces in the Hill Country. Dufus will be in hog heaven. Hopefully, we can get the Village Idiot out of there next spring without wearing cowboy boots with his shorts on.
How's the clan doing you ask. They are doing fine, My favorite girl, Miss Shari, still has her hands full trying to keep Dufus in line, but that is nothing unusual. When we were at Green Acres the ladies had a night of crafting and wine drinking. You can probably guess what got done the most. Since we have left Tennessee the crafting has slowed down considerably, and, besides that, my girl hasn't got an outlet for them. Hopefully, that will pick up a little when we get to Llano. The wine drinking is still doing fine for her. Dufus is still Dufus. He couldn't work at McKinney Fall State Park this year as the surgeon didn't want him driving Mules and Gators around on the rough terrain. The surgeon didn't want anything bouncing around in his empty skull. So he is just doing his thing of getting in Miss Shari's way. He did clean the truck and trailer but now we have to find something else for him to do. Moe Jean is just fine as always, except when she had to go out at 5:00 AM a couple days ago! That is very unusual for her as she normally stays in bed until at least 8:30. Everybody is hoping this does not become a habit! Me, I just sit on the sofa or the dash of the truck and take it all in. Sometimes the world is very interesting from my observation point.
This pretty well takes care of what the clan has been up to. The clan is anxiously waiting for the Rose Bowl game on New Year's Day as it is a perfect way for the Hawkeyes to finish a great football season. Win or lose, I know the Happy Couple will be proud of what Caption Kirk and his staff have accomplished this season. Speaking of great accomplishment, the Happy Couple would like me to mention that grandson Luke was named to the Burlington Hawkeye newspaper all area football team. As a high school junior he lead Iowa Class 2A in tackles as a linebacker for the West Burlington-Notre Dame Falcons. His sister Emma is in line to graduate from Western Illinois University in May and has been accepted to grad school at Western for a Masters degree in the Communication program. The Happy Couple is proud of them both.
Well this wraps it up for now. The clan wants to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. God bless you all and we would love to hear from you.